Let's face facts. Cars run on fuel, people run on coffee. The hubby and I are no exception. Actually, I think the hubby's veins contain coffee, cause he drinks about 1,5 liters of coffee during the day.
During my student years I just drank regular pre-ground coffee that I found in the supermarket. As I grew up, so did my coffee-palate. Now I enjoy the finer types of coffee. Today, I want to show you my (and the hubby's too) top 3 coffee beans. Jup, beans, no more pre-ground coffee for us!
Maragogype - Jamaica Blue Mountain - Kopi Luwak |
Maragogype is an easy to come by variety of coffee. Originating in Brazil, this coffee bean is the biggest coffee bean in the world. Therefor it is sometimes referred to as Elephant Bean coffee. The taste is slightly sour.
Price: around 22,00 EUR per kilo
Jamaica Blue Mountain
The name of this type of bean refers to the place it is grown: the Blue Mountain region on Jamaica. Most of the harvest finds its way to Japan, where this coffee is very popular. The overall availabilty is, well, low. I don't know where you can buy this coffee in Belgium. We bought it in London. This type of bean has a fruity taste, sort of sweet. No need butchering it with sugar!
Price: around 100,00 EUR per kilo
Kopi Luwak
Kopi Luwak coffee is special, to say the least. It is also known as Civet Coffee. A civet (or Luwak, in regional dialect) is a small mammal, kind of a cross between a cat and a weasel. This little predator eats ripe coffee beans. In its stomach and bowels, the fleshy outside of the bean gets digested. After a day, a day and a half, the civet poops out the still intact beans. Coffee farmers collect the clumps, thoroughly wash them and leave them to dry in the sun. After only a light roast the beans are ready to be made into the worlds most expensive coffee. I only know one place in Belgium where they serve this coffee. At 25,00 EUR per cup one must savor every drop of it. I still haven't found a shop that sells the beans. So we bought our stash in London.
The taste is good, not to say very good. It is a refined taste, smokey, kinda chocolatey. But it isn't 20 times more than regular coffee good. Why do I say 20 times? Well,... see below.
Price: around 225,EUR per kilo